Easy Homemade Garlic Bread Recipe

Garlic Bread

Ready for an easy garlic bread recipe?

This will be the easiest garlic bread you will make. While in US, we used to buy frozen garlic breads. We all are great addicts when it comes to garlic bread. Because of that addiction, I learned to make it. And that’s when I understood, nothing can beat a fresh homemade garlic-butter bread. And I am really happy I learned it.

Garlic Butter

We are going to make it from scratch. Usually the shops sell garlic bread made with hard crusted french bread or baguette. But I like to use a bread with not so hard crust. So I am using my family favorite basic recipe to make the bread.

Homemade Bread from Scratch


The secret to a delicious mouth watering garlic bread is fresh garlic. Of course you can try garlic granules or powder, but I insist to use the fresh ones. And then about the butter, fresh homemade butter will be my first choice. If you don’t know to make butter, get the recipe below.

Fresh Homemade Butter from Milk

Now let’s discuss today’s recipe:

Garlic Bread

Easy Homemade Garlic bread

Easy Homemade Garlic Bread

Make a delicious garlic bread from scratch with a simple recipe. Nothing can beat a homemade garlic bread slathered with butter. A must try recipe.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Course: Baked Foods, Breads, Breakfast, Brunch, Dinner, Side Dish, Snacks
Cuisine: Western
Servings: 10 servings
Author: Ammu


For Bread

  • 1.5 tsp Yeast
  • 1 cup Lukewarm Milk / Liquid Whey
  • 2-3 tbsp Sugar
  • 4 tbsp Unsalted butter at room temperature /3 tbsp Sunflower oil
  • 3 cups of All Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp Salt or as needed

For Garlic Bread

  • 3 tbsp Garlic, minced
  • 8 tbsp Butter, at room temperature
  • 1 tbsp Chopped Parsley
  • Salt to taste


For Bread (video above)

  • In a large bowl, combine yeast, 1 tsp sugar and lukewarm milk. Let it sit undisturbed for 10-15 minutes. If you see bubbles foaming in the bowl, your yeast is perfect to work with.
  • Add remaining sugar, butter, flour and salt into the yeast mixture. Mix well with a spoon until well combined. This may take some 5 minutes. Then start kneading with your hands until the dough is soft and smooth. You have to knead for about 15 minutes.
  • When the dough is smooth and soft, cover the bowl with a plastic wrap or a cloth. Let it sit undisturbed in a warm place for 2 hours or until the dough is doubled in size. After the dough had risen, punch it down. Transfer the dough to a floured surface.
  • Divide the dough into two equal halves. Shape them into a log shape. For this, using both hands gently press the dough, pulling the sides to the bottom and tucking the ends underneath. Keep doing this until the top surface of the dough comes together as a smooth round with no lines or visible joints.
  • Dust the bread pan with a little flour. Place the shaped dough in the pan. Cover and Keep it undisturbed in a warm place. Let it rise and double in size for 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degree F. Place the pan in the middle rack. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown on the top. Also check for a hollow sound when tapped on top of the bread.
  • Remove the pan from the oven. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes. Then transfer the bread to a wire rack and let it cool down completely.

Garlic Bread

  • Mix the garlic, butter, parsley and salt in a bowl.
  • Slice the bread into two halves. Spread the garlic-butter mix on the cut sides of the bread. Place the two halves together.
    Make a delicious garlic bread from scratch with a simple recipe. Nothing can beat a homemade garlic bread slathered with butter. A must try recipe.
  • If there is extra garlic butter mix, smear it on the top of the bread.
  • You can either use microwave or bake in a grill oven. If baking in an oven, wrap the bread with aluminium foil. Bake for 15 minutes or until the crust is crispy.
  • If using a microwave, place the bread on a plate and microwave for 1-2 minute or until crispy.
  • Cut the bread halves into small rectangular pieces. Serve hot. Enjoy.


  • Recommended to use fresh garlic. If you are concerned about the raw garlic flavor, it will reduce when cooked.
  • You can any bread to make garlic bread. There is no rule to use french bread. Garlic bread tastes great with not so  hard breads also.
  • If you can't find fresh parsley leaves, look for the dried parsley. If that is also not available, you can use coriander leaves or even curry leaves. 


Garlic Butter

If you are too lazy to make bread or don’t have an option to make bread, try with a normal store bought bread. This dish will never disappoint you. I am a non-veg lover. But if I have to choose between a garlic bread and fried chicken, no second thoughts, I will go for  this garlic bread.

Happy cooking

author @ my eating space

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