Plantain Chikoo Milkshake / Sapodilla (zapota) Banana Shake

Plantain Chikoo Milkshake

Chikoo and plantain – two of my favorite fruits are the stars of today’s recipe. Easy to make and loved by most of the kids is the attraction of this milkshake. Protein, vitamins, potassium, minerals,dietary fiber,antioxidants – all in a glass of delicious milkshake. What more can you think for your kid’s health?

Although said to be a native of Mexico and Central America, I have never seen a single chikoo fruit while in US. And I have seen a lot of them here in Coimbatore. The fruit is also very cheap here. This fruit is also commonly known by the names sapodilla, zapota, naseberry and a lot more in different counties and languages. We have planted two zapota trees in our backyard for the love of this fruit.

Plantain Zapota Milkshake

If you have been on my site earlier, you know my  for ripe plantains. I have shared many plantain recipes before. See them below….

God!!!!!!! I have so many plantain recipes. There are more with unripe plantains as well. I think I don’t have to explain more about plantains. Since both fruits are really sweet, you can skip adding sugar if you wish.

Sapodilla plantain Milkshake

Plantain Chikoo Milkshake

Plantain Chikoo Milkshake

Chikoo plantain milkshake - easy to make and loved by most of the kids is the attraction of this milkshake. Minerals, nutrients,antioxidants in one glass.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Brunch, Dessert, Drinks
Servings: 2
Author: Ammu


  • 1 Ripe Plantain
  • 1 Ripe Chikoo (sapodilla/zapota)
  • 1 cup Iced Milk
  • 1-2 tbsp Sugar


  • Peel and dice the ripe plantains and zapota fruit.
  •  Blend them along with sugar until smooth.
  • Add the iced milk and blend again until a thick and fluffy.
  • While serving add 1-2 tsp of milk into the serving glass which will make it look beautiful. Pour the milkshake into the glass.
  • Serve cold and enjoy a yummy milkshake.


Avoid sugar if the fruits are over-ripe or very sweet.



Chikoo plantain milkshake

Happy Cooking

author @ my eating space

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